Featured Authors
  • Noam Chomsky

    Noam Chomsky

    "Chomsky is a global phenomenon . . . perhaps the most widely read voice on foreign policy on the planet." New York Times Book Review

  • Angela Y. Davis

    Angela Y. Davis

    “Before the world knew what intersectionality was, the scholar, writer and activist was living it, arguing not just for Black liberation, but for the rights of women and queer and transgender people as well.”
    The New York Times

  • Eve L. Ewing

    Eve L. Ewing

    "Ignore Eve Ewing at your own intellectual, political, and cultural peril."

    Chicago Magazine

  • Naomi Klein

    Naomi Klein

    "Naomi Klein has become the most visible and influential figure on the left–what Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky were thirty years ago."
    The New Yorker

  • Aja Monet

    Aja Monet

    “Aja Monet’s poetry offers us textures of feeling and radical shifts of meaning that expand our capacity to envision and fight for new worlds.”
    —Angela Y. Davis

  • Arundhati Roy

    Arundhati Roy

    “Arundhati Roy is one of the few great revolutionary intellectuals in our time."
    —Cornel West

  • Rebecca Solnit

    Rebecca Solnit

    "No writer has weighed the complexities of sustaining hope in our times of readily available despair more thoughtfully and beautifully, nor with greater nuance."
    —Maria Popova

  • Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

    Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

    "Taylor has absconded from the ivory tower to break down the current Movement for Black Lives, arguing that it holds the potential to reignite a broader push for black liberation."
    The Root

  • Howard Zinn

    Howard Zinn

    “Few people changed more lives than Howard Zinn."
    —Naomi Klein

  • Dave Zirin

    Dave Zirin

    "Dave Zirin has long stood on the edge of the sports writing world, exploding topics many of his colleagues are scared to approach."
    —Glenn Greenwald