Socialism & Marxism
The Mandate of Heaven
by Nigel Harris -
We Cannot Escape History
Clara Zetkin
by Clara Zetkin -
The Communist International and U.S. Communism, 1919 - 1929
by Michael Löwy -
The Preobrazhensky Papers: Archival Documents and Materials
The Revolutionary Marxism of Antonio Gramsci
Gramsci and Languages
Marx and Latin America
by José Aricó -
A Great and Terrible World
State and Revolution
by Todd Chretien and V. I. Lenin -
Theories of Ideology
by Jan Rehmann -
Leon Trotsky and the Organizational Principles of the Revolutionary Party
by Dianne Feeley, Paul Le Blanc, et al. -
Marx and Nature
by Paul Burkett -
Marx's Capital Illustrated
by David Smith -
Unfinished Leninism
Holding Fast to an Image of the Past
In Marx's Laboratory
Edited by Riccardo Bellofiore, Guido Starosta, et al. -
Marxism and Social Movements
Edited by Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, et al. -
Marxism and the Oppression of Women
by Lise Vogel -
Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism
Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism
by Peter Hudis -
Gramsci's Political Thought
The Stalinist Legacy
Edited by Tariq Ali