The New Cold War
The Stalinist Legacy
Edited by Tariq Ali -
Cataclysm 1914
Edited by Alexander Anievas -
Ours to Master and to Own
Edited by Dario Azzellini and Immanuel Ness -
Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age
Edited by Colin Barker, Gareth Dale, et al. -
The Austrian Revolution
by Otto Bauer -
Marxists in the Face of Fascism
Edited by David Beetham -
The Spectre of Babeuf
by Ian Birchall -
War and Revolution in Catalonia, 1936-1939
Austro-Marxism: The Ideology of Unity
Edited by Mark E. Blum and William Smaldone -
Austro-Marxism: The Ideology of Unity. Volume II
Edited by Mark E. Blum and William Smaldone -
The Dutch and German Communist Left (1900-1968)
War, Capital, and the Dutch State (1588-1795)
The German Revolution, 1917-1923
by Pierre Broué -
The Revolution and the Civil War in Spain
by Pierre Broué and Émile Témime -
Otto Bauer (1881-1938)
How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois Revolutions?
We Cannot Escape History
The French Revolution and Social Democracy
City of Women London Tube Wall Map (A2, 16.5 x 23.4 Inches)
by Reni Eddo-Lodge, Rebecca Solnit, et al. -
The History of Italian Marxism
The German Left and the Weimar Republic
Edited and translated by Ben Fowkes -
The Thatcherite Offensive
The Nazis, Capitalism and the Working Class