Books for changing the world

Astra Taylor

Astra Taylor is a documentary filmmaker, writer, and political organizer. She is the director, most recently, of What Is Democracy? and the author of Democracy May Not Exist, but We’ll Miss It When It’s Gone and the American Book Award winning The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age. She is co-founder of the Debt Collective, a union for debtors, and contributed the foreword to the group’s new book, Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay: The Case for Economic Disobedience and Debt Abolition.

Upcoming Events

  • Beyond the Ballot: The Left in a Time of Polycrisis

    October 19, 2024
    The Sanctuary at W83
    New York, NY

    A special conversation with Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and Chenjerai Kumanyika presented by Hammer & Hope magazine, Haymarket Books and Marguerite Casey Foundation.

