May 9: Naomi Klein and Michelle Alexander in Conversation
LIVE-STREAM via Haymarket Books on Facebook beginning at 7:00 PM CDT. From Chicago's Auditorium Theatre, moderated by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor. -
May 27: China Miéville on the Russian Revolution
Haymarket Books is proud to be partnering with our friends at Verso Books to bring acclaimed weird-fiction author China Miéville to Chicago on May 27th to discuss his latest book, October: The Story of the Russian Revolution. -
"Nothing Happened as Expected": Reflections on the French Elections
Haymarket Books interviews Clément Petitjean, a contributor to the recently published Europe in Revolt, for a critical perspective on the recent French election.
Join Haymarket Books at the Historical Materialism Conference
Haymarket Books is proud to be a co-sponsor of this year’s Historical Materialism New York conference, “Resurgent Radicalism In a Polarizing World.” -
Organizing for Justice: an Interview with Jewish Voice for Peace
Jewish Voice for Peace: "Love and respect for Jewish people is not in contradiction with vehement objections to the repressive policies of the State of Israel. A 'love of Israel' is not and has never been a good way to measure antisemitism."