Reminiscences of Lenin
Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya was a founding member of the Russian Bolshevik Party and the wife of Vladimir Lenin from 1898 until his death in 1924. As both his closest political collaborator and personal confidant, Krupskaya offers invaluable insights into the life and thought of the most important leader of the Russian Revolution. The portrait of Lenin that emerges is of a man unwavering in his convictions, but also—contrary to the mythology later woven around him—quick to laugh and tender in his affections.
  • "The nine years of his second emigration had not changed Ilyich a bit. He worked just as hard and as methodically, he took the same keen interest in every little detail, was able to put two and two together and had lost none of his ability to see the truth and face it, no matter how bitter it was. He hated oppression and exploitation as cordially as ever, was just as devoted to the cause of the proletariat, the cause of the working people, and took their interests just as closely to heart. His whole life was bound up with that cause. It came naturally to him, he could not live in any other way ... He was just as fond of nature, of the spring woods, the mountain paths and lakes, the noise of the big cities, the working-class crowd; he loved his comrades, movement, struggle, life in all its numerous facets."
    —From the Introduction
  • "The nine years of his second emigration had not changed Ilyich a bit. He worked just as hard and as methodically, he took the same keen interest in every little detail, was able to put two and two together and had lost none of his ability to see the truth and face it, no matter how bitter it was. He hated oppression and exploitation as cordially as ever, was just as devoted to the cause of the proletariat, the cause of the working people, and took their interests just as closely to heart. His whole life was bound up with that cause. It came naturally to him, he could not live in any other way ... He was just as fond of nature, of the spring woods, the mountain paths and lakes, the noise of the big cities, the working-class crowd; he loved his comrades, movement, struggle, life in all its numerous facets."
    —From the Introduction

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