Books for changing the world

May 27: China Miéville on the Russian Revolution

Haymarket Books is proud to be partnering with our friends at Verso Booksto bring acclaimed weird-fiction author China Miéville to Chicago on May 27th to discuss his latest book, October: The Story of the Russian Revolution.

In addition to penning novels that have won just about every accolade in the world of SF/Fantasy literature, and being the subject of some of the best fanfic on the internet, China is also a long time Socialist. He co-founded (and frequently contributes to) the journal Salvage, wrote a book on Marxism and International Law, and even stood for office in London.


China will be joined by Anton Ford, an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago, for a conversation about the Russian Revolution, its legacy, and what lessons we can take from it in today’s struggles for a better world.


Co-sponsored by Jacobin Magazine, the Chicago International Socialist Organization, and the Chicago Democratic Socialists Of America.


Saturday, May 27th 2017, 7PM

University Church Chicago (5655 S. University Ave, Chicago 60637)

  • History of the Russian Revolution

  • Between Equal Rights

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