Abolish Silicon Valley

Disruption, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit – Silicon Valley is viewed by many as the cradle of technological development and progress in our world today. But, behind the lustre of unlimited growth and unbounded ambition lies Capitalism’s standard blend of exploitation and concentration of individual wealth at the expense of public good.

At a time when technology is seeping even deeper into our lives, how can we reclaim it for the many and not the few?

Authors, activists and radicals Rob Larson and Wendy Liu discuss Big Tech’s monopolistic power today, and how we can respond to it with a radical vision of digital socialism.

Rob Larson is a professor of economics at Tacoma Community College and author of Bit Tyrants: The Political Economy of Silicon Valley, and Capitalism vs. Freedom. He writes for Jacobin, In These Times, Current Affairs and Dollars & Sense.

Wendy Liu is a tech commentator, software engineer and former startup founder who left the tech industry to pursue a masters degree in inequality from the London School of Economics. She is the author of Abolish Silicon Valley (Repeater Books) and has written for Logic Magazine, Tribune, and New Internationalist. Her articles on tech worker union organizing have been featured in The Atlantic and CNBC.
