Books for changing the world
  • Kaepernick Publishing: Get Both Books for (less than) $25!

    For a limited time, Abolition for the People and Our History Has Always Been Contraband are available as a discounted set, for less than $25!

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  • Until Liberation: A Series for Palestine

    We are entering a new era of the struggle for Palestine and until Palestine is free, none of us are free. Join Haymarket and partners for a series of urgent conversations about the history, politics, and stakes of Palestinian liberation.

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  • Free Ebooks for a Free Palestine!

    Now as ever, we recognize the root cause and ongoing perpetrator of violence in Palestine to be Israeli settler-colonialism and apartheid, and we stand in solidarity with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom.

    We also believe that books, as tools for education, analysis, combatting misinformation, and inspiration, have a vital role to play in the global Palestine solidarity movement. In that spirit, we’ve made four crucial books free to download.

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